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Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment in India Vs Mayo Clinic

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment at Mayo Clinic

Reference article – prostate cancer on Mayo Clinic website.

While going through an article on “Mayo clinic’s Website on prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment”, one would come across a variety of treatments for prostate cancer depending upon the Gleason score. The treatment modalities vary from Surgery to Radiation Therapy to Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy.

Undoubtedly, Mayo Clinic is one of the best clinics in the world. But for those who are searching from the developing world such as countries like Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, etc, travelling to the USA for treatment may not be a possibility. For a start, treatment in the USA is very costly. Even to get a visa to visit the country is not as easy.

In such cases, India comes as a great option for those who wish the same treatment but at a fraction of the cost. We in India follow the same protocols to treat a prostate case but with very personalized attention given to each patient. For us too, depending upon the staging a Robotic Prostatectomy is the start of the treatment protocol. For those with advanced stages of Prostate cancer, we too follow the Global guidelines of Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy and Immune Therapy.

Almost every doctor in India has a degree or a diploma earned in some of the best schools of medicine from across the world including those in US and UK. The infrastructure of the hospital is superb and the technology is as available anywhere in the world. For eg: we do use the cyber-knife if recommended for many prostate cancer cases.

Thus, Indian doctors and Indian Hospitals provide a world-class option for the treatment of Prostate cancer but only at a fraction of the cost.

To learn more about Prostate Cancer Treatment in India – you may click here.

To know the Cost of Prostate Cancer Treatment in India – you may click here.

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