What is Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA)?
Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) is a fluoroscopic method used to evidently visualize blood vessels in a bony or complex soft tissue environment in interventional radiology. These images are captured by computerized X-ray devices. A specific dye or contrast medium is generally applied to create it simpler to see the blood in the legs, heart or other organ during the test. The concept behind DSA is to obtain a static image in the first phase of the procedure and subtract it from the following vibrant image flow.
What are the symptoms leading to doctor’s recommending – Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA)?
- Presence of aneurysms or AVMs which need detailed mapping needs a DSA to be done so that they can be treated accurately. Also, in case of tumours which are not well mapped in an MRI, the doctors recommend a DSA to be done.
Estimated Costs
The cost of investigation for DSA will come between USD 650 and USD 750.