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Chin Augmentation Surgery

Chin augmentation also known as “Mentoplasty” is a surgical procedure to reshape or enhance the size of the chin. It may be done either by inserting an implant or by moving or reshaping bones.

Best Candidates

  • People with naturally “weak” chin in proportion to facial bone structure.
  • People with too prominent chin
  • Patients undergoing nose surgery, in order to achieve facial proportion
  • People with distorted chin due to accident or trauma


The surgery may be done either by inserting an implant or by moving or reshaping bones. Below mentioned are the details of the procedures

Surgery with Chin implants

  • General Anesthesia or medicine to numb the area being operated is given.
  • A cut is made, either inside the mouth or outside under the chin.
  • A pocket is created in front of the chin bone and under the muscles.
  • The surgeon may use real bone or fat tissue [patients’ own bone is donated from ribs or from part of the pelvis (the ileum), or an implant made out of silicone. The implant is placed inside the pocket.
  • The implant is usually attached to the bone with sutures or screws.
  • Sutures are used to close the surgical cut. When the cut is inside the mouth, the scar can barely be seen.

Surgery requiring Reshaping of Bones

  • Patient will be under general anesthesia.
  • The surgeon makes a cut inside the mouth along the lower gum. This gives the surgeon access to the chin bone.
  • The surgeon uses a bone saw or chisel to make a second cut through the jaw bone.
  • The jaw bone is moved and wired or screwed in place.
  • The cut is closed with stitches and a bandage is applied. Because the surgery is performed inside the mouth, no scars will be visible.


  • Balances the face by making the chin longer or bigger compared to the nose
  • Strengthening of the week chin
  • More defined jaw line can be given to receding chin
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